Monsters in my Head pg. #3

Page 3 of 6.

In page three of this saga, our hungry heroine tries to help herself to the contents of her host's fridge, as is the gods-given right of every babysitter since the dawn of babysitting. But what's this? Nothing in the icebox tempts her taste buds? That's strange. Ah well, perhaps she will find something that will arouse her appetite later.

Meanwhile, what's this about a serial killer on the loose? What is this, an 80s slasher movie? If the killer doesn't get her, she's bound to die of cliché poisoning! And just imagine how the killer must feel. With a face like that, it must be very hard making friends. Oh, you didn't see his face? Nevermind. I'm sure it won't come back to hunt us later...

Till next time, my ghastly gourmands!