Radio Requiem pg. #6 (Finale)

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Ah, the curtains close on this grim tale, leaving us with a finale more twisted than a pretzel in a blender. Poor Frank Porter, a man besieged by his own demons, danced his final waltz straight into the abyss. But here's the kicker: that bottle of liquid vice? Not a drop of courage, just a cruel jest from Fate herself. And that chatty radio? A mere echo chamber for the torments of Frank's tortured mind. So, as the cops comb through the wreckage, let one thought reverberate through your mind: Did Frank consume any alcohol at all? Or did his own intrusive thoughts consume him?

A little housekeeping before we part ways: As you see, we have increased the length of the stories for the 2024 season from 4 pages to 6, blood-dripping pages! We won't say all stories will be 6 pages from now on. It all depends on the needs of the story. But, we can tell you you'll get 6 six-page, full color pages in 2024... eh... provided the ghouls in the art department don't go on strike for more rotten flesh.

We'll see you next time, Consumption Connoisseurs. Until then, don't eat anything I wouldn't eat.