Radio Requiem pg. #3

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Ah, my fellow ghastly gourmands, did you bear witness to that spine-tingling exchange between our troubled troubadour and his perturbed paramour? Ah, the age-old dance of lust and resentment that mortals call marriage! It's enough to make this withered old corpse's heart beat again!

But as poor ol' Frank battles his inner demons, we're left pondering, are they truly confined within? Could that haunting voice he hears be the echo of his own tortured soul, or does it whisper from beyond the cramped corridors of his own mind? Oooh… the suspense!

Fear not, Connoisseurs, for the stage is set for a sinister symphony unlike any other. As we steel ourselves to plunge deeper into the twisted corridors of Consumption, where hunger and horror entwine like the gnarled roots of an ancient oak, let us prepare for the horrors that lie ahead. Until next time, my FIENDS, remember: don't bite off more than you can chew, especially if it bites back!

::Malevolent cackle echoes into the night::