Stormriders pg. #1

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We open on a lone cowboy fleeing from a sandstorm across the lonesome Mojave. His throat is dry. His body is stiff and sore. He wants for nothing more than rest and cool, clear water. But as the poet(*) said, he has miles to go before he sleeps.

The storm closes in on his heels. It overtakes him in an instant. Woefully, he and his beloved steed are separated. But this shall not be the last separation he will suffer. And the storm is not the only danger to travelers crossing the desert. Soon, he will be made to understand, there are some shadows you can never outrun.

Welcome, Gourmands and Connoisseurs, to another installment of "Strange Feastings" the flagship horror anthology comic here at Consumption Comics. This chapter is titled "The Stormriders". As the name suggests, we will all soon come to learn, along with our cowboy hero, what rides along with this storm...

* Robert Frost, "Stopping by Woods on a Snow Evening*