Stormriders pg. #3

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You have lots of voices in your head, don't you? You hear them in the dead of night, when you're trying to sleep. One voice wonders what the capitol of Nova Scotia is. Another wonders if they'll ever be happy. Another can't stop reminding you what someone else said that filled you with anger and hurt. Another lusts over some attractive celebrity. It must be awfully hard to sleep with such inane chatter echoing inside your head. Why, it must be pretty damn near impossible.

And it doesn't stop when you awaken, does it? No, you carry those voices with you throughout the day: What does so-and-so think of me? I'll never have enough money to take that trip. I'm probably going to work this crappy job until I die. I can't believe she said that to me. Why am I such a loser? I wish I wasn't so sensitive. If only I could stop thinking for just one second... 

And so it goes, until your very last thought. I hope your last thought is a good one, dear reader. Be a shame to set sail into the unknown with these unwelcome guests tagging along.

If it is any consolation to you, we are all of us run by committee. We are all a cacophonous chorus of voices, each trying to shout the others down. But there are some voices which ring out more clearly than the others. You must quiet the chorus and listen very closely to hear them, but they are there, whispering truths that, if heeded, would change your life forever. And too, there is one voice, somewhere deep in the very back of your mind, which belongs only to you. This poor soul has been drowned out for so long that he almost never speaks anymore. What a pity...

What's that you say, dear reader? What does this have to do with today's comic? Why, nothing. Nothing at all...